Wednesday 23 April 2014

Ugly clothes and a blogger night out...

Before Easter, Cynthia from The Perfect Life and her beautiful daughter and myself and my wayward teenager, made up a foursome for early drinks at the Blue Bar at the Berkeley Hotel in Knightsbridge.
Early drinks turned into quite a number of glasses of Champagne and we staggered home at 11pm, I had no idea of the time and thought it to be only 9.  
It is novel to meet a virtual stranger and yet to know so much about each other's lives, conversation came easily, even to my normally monosyllabic school boy who discovered a modicum of charm that evening (check out Cynthia's blog and the reason is apparent!)
I didn't take photos as Cynthia's blog is a private/ public endeavour and it didn't feel right to intrude on our laid back night.
I've never met up with anyone that I have 'met' through the blogworld, and would have thought the whole 'what to wear' thing would require much thought and agonising.  But a work meeting earlier the same day changed that preconception.

I was meeting with the fashion team of a fairly well-known magazine and we were talking about fashion week. One of them mentioned a collection from a designer who I know personally and have always liked (both him and his clothes).  She dismissed the collection saying that she would never feature his 'Ugly Clothes'.  This designer uses draping and beautiful silks in jewel colours, there are lots of words that could be used if you are a detractor, 'attention seeking, impractical, overly dramatic', but 'Ugly clothes' really surprised me.  And confirmed yet again how fickle and silly fashion is. It is truly just in the eyes of the beholder.  A particular aesthetic comes into 'fashion' simply because a few of the 'opinion forming' editors like the look (and the ad revenue) and tell us we should all adopt it.  Call me fickle I wrote a post about this very thing when I first started the new job and had been sucked into feeling utterly inadequate.

The whole exchange confirmed what I have been thinking for a while, I am just going to go back to wearing what I like, having fun with clothes and not thinking about them too much.  

All of my favourite blogs have a bit of fashion in them, but generally are more about the ideas or people behind the clothes than trying to 'sell' garments to the readers.  The ones that I read religiously are  Bourbon and Pearls, The Perfect Life,A woman a life blog, Style at every Age, there are more, but these spring to mind as they have been going for years and post regularly.  

I thought I was interested in the clothes, but I have realised, I'm not really, it is the life behind it all that grabs my interest (weird voyeuristic stalker that I am!)  

Sometimes I do like the mindless scrolling through people's high street picks and I love looking at their own real life outfits, I actively seek out those who have a completely different taste to mine.  But words like 'ugly clothes' wouldn't even cross my mind, I like to see how different we all are and wouldn't life be boring and predictable if it were any other way?

And so for my big night out, I dressed in a way that is just me.  Nothing to do with designers or fashion, I like this cocoa brown colour and the dress gives me some longed for shape rather than my usual Honey Monster bulk, luckily I have a matching brown fitted cardi, it's all easy and forgiving and my taste, and I am sure to fashion editors who are trying to flog the latest looks, the epitome of 'Ugly Clothes'.


  1. I don't think anybody could call your outfit ugly! You are staying true to your style, regardless of what anybody else thinks but the draping and lace make a brown outfit very feminine and the colour suits you. Thank you for the mention, I am honoured to be included in your blog roll and it is much appreciated. x

    1. i was about to do my next post when i noticed all of these comments, i hope that people reading didn't think i was angling for some kind of pity party! quite the reverse, I'm feeling free and unashamed about wearing whatever I want and if judgement is passed, it's their problem not mine (well this week I am feeling like that, a week of bad things happening at work, child problems etc and I might be as gun-ho!) And your blog is lovely, with lots of very nice people, it is a nice place to hang-out which is what this should be all about!

  2. I wouldn't call your outfit ugly it is very glamorous and I agree with Sharron you suit the colour. x

    1. ditto above, it reminds me of an episode of Trinny and Susannah when they first started years ago and their poor victim just wanted to buy some bejazzled jeans, they had her in a knee length skirt from Jigsaw, which did suit her, but her heart was set on a pair of jeans that were covered in sequins, and if she loved them, who were T and S to say she couldn't wear them?!

  3. Love that outfit actually and Im so glad that you are going to just wear the clothes you like. That's the thing that makes me come back and read your blog again and again. You don't have loads of photos of the same outfits that everyone seems to have on. Your own look is perfect and inspiring. As you know I love ebay too .

    1. you are very kind (and are you an Aquarian by any chance?) All my life I would have been horrified if someone could look at what I was wearing and it be so predictable that they knew where each item came from. In my new job, this is seemingly the 'holy grail' to have chosen and put together 'the' pieces of the season so that everyone knows that you 'get' it. I happily declaring that I don't and probably never will!

  4. Love the photo of you side ways on. You look so young and carefree. Gorgeous dress x

    1. Mrs Sludge brown, I should be dedicating the colour selection to you!

  5. Oh what an amazing outfit - I LOVE the casual knit over the top - and such a dreamy colour.
    Everyone has an opinion about clothes and I like it that we are all so different

    1. i agree, that is why I like what you do at Av37 it is a celebration of diversity without any kind of judgement.

  6. I think you look stunning. But then I always think you look stunning! The very last adjective I'd use to describe your clothes is 'ugly'. I love that you always look so stylish yet different to everyone else!

    1. Straight back at you, I love seeing how you put things together, it is never predictable and your colour palettes are always your own rather than 'the seasons'

  7. That's so pretty. And those shoes!! I adore fashion but don't get the business. I like what I like and that's that. The rest feels a little Emperor's New Clothes to me.

    1. it really is and I'm not sure if the blog world fuels or quashes the tendency

  8. By the way...could you tell me how you lost all your weight and how you keep it off cause you have an amazing figure.

    1. It's funny that you say that, I have put on about 10 pounds with Easter and working, it is that slow weight that has evenly spread all over so is a nightmare to shift, but if I don't do something soon I will be in the 'gigantic' woman territory. Since I am always in this mirror, there isn't much perspective, but in heels I am well over 6 foot and my shoulders are as wide as my husbands, with the right 'picks' I can disguise the oblong shape. But next to a normal size person I am literally twice the size in every direction. My saving grace is the wrists and ankles so that I am not a total tree trunk.

  9. I wish we had taken photos as well! It was just so nice to relax, and have a drink, that I actually forgot about my camera! What a shame. Next time! I agree that its not just the clothes, but the life behind them. That said, I changed my outfit three times before we left the hotel! Alice and I were so happy to have met you and Harry, and can't wait to catch up again someday.

  10. The dress is well cut and put together solidly. I will say that it is not the best quality of material, but it does not look cheap. Great purchase and price point, so I would buy again!


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