Sunday 11 May 2014

Feeling like this...

Thinking about buying this....

Any one read it?
Any good recommendations for 1. an extra hour in the day 2. how to be in two places at once?


  1. Awwww....whats up Alexandra? Everything ok?

    1. totally my own fault taken on way too much. But the good thing is I will finish what I have started and then have clarity about what I really want out of life.

    2. Does that mean that you will be going back to your personal training seemed to love your life a little bit more then :)

  2. I'm demented by solitude and boredom just now, I'll take in your washing if that helps!

    1. When I have two secs I will email you privately, I might have some little projects, although they could be your idea of hell. Just need 10 days to get through this bit and then will be able to focus x

  3. Haven't read it. Sounds like a good read though. Let us know if you buy it and it's good. I could use something like this!

    1. the irony is finding time to read it, but it does look good!

  4. Compartmentalize - I know that sounds American and rubbish but life has to be put in boxes.
    I dedicate my hr in the morning to blogging, I then go to work, I do the school run, I loaf (love loafing online) and then I do supper/bed for children and put my hat on as a wife.

    I have to have a routine otherwise I am manic and chaotic!

    I sound like I have my life organised - the theory is there but in reality I just flit and float and loaf and achieve not much at all!

    1. you make it seem so easy! i am always all over the place, and it is difficult establishing any kind of routine. my big ambition is to get up early and do some exercise, but I just feel so knackered all the time.

  5. I need to know the answer to both questions as well. I haven't been able to keep up myself, and am just consoling myself with the knowledge that at some point in the future, I will be as bored as I was six months ago! Hope all goes well for you.

    1. that boredom is a dangerous privilege and i do love the camaraderie of being with people and laughing everyday.


I would love to hear from you and quite happy for some lively debate so feel free to say what you think! ....