Tuesday 20 May 2014


I blame this cover, Kate Upton in all her voluptuousness, made me a bit relaxed about having crept to a size 12, but in less than 6 weeks, I'm no longer fitting into my new clothes and a 14 is beckoning...
I can disguise it for now, but the St Trop beaches are a little less forgiving, and my inches aren't on the top half, it's all around my waist.
Blaming working is a cheap shot, there must be women who can balance work, exercise, loved ones, dogs and feeling a bit knackered all the time. But I am not one of them.

 I am very anti short term weightloss plans, years of being overweight and yo-yoing from fasting to feasting, led to a steady weight of around 15 stone.  Conversely, eating proper food and exercising allowed me to lose over 30% of my bodyweight.

I have always followed the Thermic Plan, lots of protein, lots of food, anything that boosts the metabolism and very little restriction.
But the last few weeks have seen an endless round of 'bulk eating' and no exercise and I just can't get back into the 'Thermic Zone', a friend is juicing, and I thought I might join her with my Thermic version.
As I have a dinner tomorrow and lunch on Friday, it all needs to be sensible and do-able.

So here it goes...

Breakfast 3 eggs and coffee

11am Green juice (veg based not fruit)

Lunch Protein mix (soya based not whey)

Tea time Earl grey tea and small bag of nuts and raisins

Dinner meat and vegetables

(lunch and dinner inter-changeable)

Exercise 40 mins each day
It's a cross between all the old favourites; juicing, Slim Fast, Cambridge diet and most importantly REAL food.

Currently weigh around 10 1/2 stone (evidence of this will be posted tomorrow)

Aiming to get to 9 1/2 by July 14.

Will follow this for 3 days and re evaluate.

Do you have any diet plans that you swear by?..

Here are some clothes pics, opted for a nude and black week, a few weeks ago (before the 'tipping point' of the weight gain)

Lace jumpsuit for work...
With Valentino Rockstuds and pink bag (should have changed that)...
 Same By Malene Birger coat, beautiful suede Nicole Fahri dress and Warehouse bag..

Tomorrow will be the visual evidence of the necessity of the juice cleanse...


  1. I can't believe you are a 12! You must be 6 ft then?

    I have nothing constructive to add as I had dark choc digestives and cheese puffs for dinner last night.

    I used to be very good about working out but it just seemed an endless chore so the past few years I have stopped making myself guilty about it and instead go to the mayr clinic once a year for a tune up and the pounds do naturally go away which means a lot of it is bloating.

    But I am now seriously considering muscle toning and going back to yoga and pilates.

    If I were you I wouldn't worry too much - it is an ebb and flow and you have a phenomenal figure.

  2. I am indeed just under 6 ft, I take crap pictures which is more forgiving, but if you put me side by side with 'normal' sized ladies, I am a giant.

  3. Oh, I feel your pain. I too am a size 12 and rapidly creeping up to a 14. My weight all gathers and sits around my midriff. Due to having psoriasis on the soles of my feet (very sore) I can't do my usual brisk walking ... in fact I struggle to think of any excerise that I can do .. and so the weight has crept up. Not too far behind you if I'm honest, and I'm not quite 5ft 4!! To add to the joy, I gave up smoking 3 months ago but where chocolate is concerned I have the will power of a gnat. I joined Slimming World last week and am hoping that will have an effect (but it's boring watching what I eat all the time) Any advice, especially re exercise, would be hugely appreciated. And don't say swimming ... skin issues, remember?!!! :)

    1. I hope I am not a stuck record, but try yoga, try to seek out a class that concentrates on the the breath, as it could be really beneficial to Psoriasis and you do it without shoes. It is also an amazing all over body work out. But if you find the right practitioner who is properly trained, it can be healing in all sorts of ways..

    2. Thank you. I had never thought of yoga as an acutal body work out (duh!) I will certainly look into it x

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Diets just don't work...they don't. The minute I start trying to control my hunger and food choices externally then I lose autonomy with body. I have been eating mindfully for the last ten years whereby I only eat when Im truly hungry and stop as soon as I feel satisfied. I also eat whatever I want within those rules.

    1. I agree, but I know I need a quick start, just for a few days to get me back on track!

  6. My lord if you are a 12, I must be a 30!! Diets do not ever work, but I must do something. It's getting pretty horrific here. I won't get on my scale!!

    1. I never use scales, when I am exercising and have a lot of muscle mass, I weigh more than before, so they are not really a true sign of 'where we are at' x

  7. The thermic plan sounds smart, but I am only able to maintain an american size 6-8 if I eat two small [tiny!]meals a day! If I eat more, I crave more.......Weight training and an hour of cardio has helped me to drop a dress size since our trip to London.....Its constant vigilance for me or I pay the price. I love that Birger coat!

    1. I know what you mean about eating more and craving more, but a life time of two small meals wouldn't be one I would relish! I suppose I am still searching for the holy grail of eating whatever and staying a size 6, I just have to face that I am well over 40 and need to stop being greedy.

  8. Gorgeous outfit! And I agree with the others: you are not a 12 on any country's size chart! The thermic plan sounds good. I've been blessed with my metabolism but as I ascend steadier into my forties, I can't eat like I used to. I like the idea of the thermic plan. I'm hypoglycemic and need high protein so it sounds up my alley!!

    1. yes protein is the magic that keeps you feeling satisfied, you look so petite, you have nothing to worry about!

  9. I'm a size 12 on top too just now, a few pounds and I just clamber up the scale.

    I diet every single day, it's the only thing that has kept my weight down for 20 years, I will never be able to eat normally.
    Well one day, I will, I'll decide to go back to my real body and eat whatever I want for my three meals a day. I don't even like cakes/biscuits or any rubbish but can put on weight on healthy whole food like nobody's business.

    1. Every single day? Wow, you must be very strong willed. Dieting every single day for me would be a life not worth living. I love food and delight in eating and savouring it.

    2. I'm even more in awe as you are in Scotland, if I lived in the South of France I could eat like a pigeon, but in Northern climes that hunger feeling is miserable! I do live health food though, I'd go for Ottelenghi style salads over chips every day of the week!

  10. PS - agree with the others, you look incredible.

    1. those pics are old ones from before the bad habits kicked in, it only takes two weeks of sweets and chocs to look very different

  11. I can't see where you need to lose the weight. You look gorgeous.


    1. Thank you, but as above, they are when I was making more of an effort, the amount of time I spend 'putting things together' is in inverse ratio to the amount I eat!!


I would love to hear from you and quite happy for some lively debate so feel free to say what you think! ....