Thursday 3 July 2014

Detox, outfits, lunch and a give away....

The internet works in weird and wonderful ways and someone in Monaco seems to have read about my juicing and detox failure.

A while ago they sent me a month's supply of two of their products cleverly named Detox I and Detox II.

I'm quite fussy about what I put in my body and am very interested in the science behind how and why things work.  I told them I would be brutal, but then they are French and pretty straight forward at the best of times.

Elena Baranova has an impressive track record as a world leading expert in the field of genetics. She is still involved in the 'medical' part of the field, but she now runs a clinic in Monaco offering treatments based on genetic analysis.  I don't think that she intends to cater for serious illnesses, rather it is a lifestyle service which seems of most use to those with lots of cash in search of eternal youth.  Monaco is of course the perfect location for such an enterprise.

She has developed a range of supplements that are intended to 'support gene health', this is where the genetic link is a bit hazy for me as I would have thought the supplements wouldn't necessarily work as a 'one size fits all', but reading the ingredients list, there was nothing in them that would do any harm, so I thought that I would give them a try.

According to the blurb, Detox I helps to activate the detox capacity of the skin by supporting Vitamin A formation and flight free radicals (both good things for the skin from the little that I know about skincare) Detox I also contains Selenium which contributes to the maintenance of nails, hair and skin.

Detox II is a stimulator that is meant to stimulate the natural detox capacity of the skin, it also contains lycopene and niacin which help with the maintenance of mucus membranes.

I have been on it for the last 3 weeks, the primary side effect is the lavatory, you go a lot, number ones and number twos.  Not in an uncomfortable way, it's just all a bit more regular than usual.

The next side effect was the spots, for the first few days I got them in strange places on my face where I haven't had them for years.

However by day 7 everything calmed down and people started asking me if I had had a facial/ been on a diet/ been on holiday etc etc

I am also aware that I haven't exercised since I was in hospital last month and I've been eating normally and not put on inches, this is unusual for me, if I don't work out, I can feel it on my buttons almost immediately.

And so all in all, as much as I am normally a bit dismissive of this kind of pseudo scientific stuff with a high price tag (each packet is 100 euro), I think I might consider doing this twice a year in Summer and Winter.

I have 6 packs to give away to 3 winners (there are two in a set and each set is worth 200 euro)

If anyone else would like to try them, all you have to do is either follow me or if you are already following leave a comment below saying that you would like to be entered and I will pick three winners on Monday.

Each pack contains all of the information and instructions on how to take the supplements in both French and English.

Is there any thing else I should say about a competition? I haven't done this before, but the only thing I can say are the odds are in your favour, unlike the lottery, you currently have a 1 in 7 chance of winning!!

The clothes over the last few days look a bit drab among the sea of colour that sweeps over London when the sun comes out. V old Rene Lezard trousers, beautifully cut, can't be beaten, vintage antique lace shirt, Lanvin trainers and Dior bag...

 Jacket from Top Shop, which I didn't wear all day...

 This was yesterday, ZARA coated leggings, Alberta Ferretti top, find some lovely  A F bargains here, another Dior bag and stripey 'pointy-toe'  flats from pretty ballerinas.

I did a Daylesford crawl, starting with lunch in Pimlico with some super stylish lawyer friends, one of whom is setting up her own firm. Followed by afternoon 'juice' (tea was out of the question due to heat) at Daylesford on Westbourne Grove with the ultimate fashionista Pippa Vosper.

Her instagram and blog are great, but strangely the Daily Mail did a piece on her that expresses how positive, enthusiastic and fun she is.  Not at all the scary fashionista that a google search might suggest.

Tomorrow I am heading to Hampstead to meet an old friend and author of 'Paris with a Bump', the clue's in the blog's name, she is at the confinement stage of her 'twin' (yikes) pregnancy.  I can't wait to see her!

After all that don't forget to enter to win the Detox packs, look 10 years younger and 7 pounds lighter, what's not to love?!!


  1. Fabulous crawl! Love the outfits. Whatever you are doing, you look fabulous!

    1. it's a pretty good tonic, pricey, but lasts longer than a spa!

    2. it's a pretty good tonic, pricey, but cheaper than a spa and lasts longer!

  2. How fun - what a fabulous life you lead! Wonderful! I saw Pippa on Tabs blog too, i really like that dress she is wearing, really pretty. I love your trousers and top am going to google the maker, have not heard of them, hard to find a pair of well cut trousers isn't it - especially white where they never seem to line them and you can see the pockets (rant, rant). I am obsessed with Top Shop at the moment, my sisters had some really cool satin jackets from there

    1. I think that I may have had these since the 90s or even late 80s! Pippa was of course effortlessly cool in denim shirt and leggings.

  3. Love your outfits. Im not one for bright colours but they look lovely on others.

    *Please don't enter me into your draw...not my thing. :)

  4. Oh yes I agree what's not to love, I need to look younger and thinner so please may I enter? I didn't lose a pound for the wedding (as expected) and now have Marbella in 7 weeks! x

    1. 7 weeks is perfect timing, it's meant to be a skin detox, the body maintenance is a side effect! I wouldn't say it's a diet exactly, but I have found that I am not doing the dangerous 'evening mindless eating'

  5. Oh I think Pippa V is wonderful, I really admire her healthy lifestyle and dedication to fitness.
    Count me in for the giveaway. I love that you got an email from Monaco. I had genetic testing for fitness and diet and my results said that exercise will make no difference to my weight which has been absolutely true for me, also that fat is my enemy, irregardless of the turn around that's going on now.
    Oh and you have the most beautiful clothes, what a lovely top.

    1. The odds are definitely on your side!! I go through stages, but when it is hot like this, I am happy not to be carrying extra weight, like you I can remember a time when my thighs chafed and it's always a slippery slope back to that!

  6. I would so love to be included in your draw please, as right now I'm trying everything possible to look slimmer and sleeker! My "^&**)(?@:" psoriasis is playing up and exercise is proving difficult ... willpower when it comes to food has always been challenging ... so frankly, I can do with all the help I can get! Absolutely adore your AF top, so off now to check out that link you shared for AF bargains

    1. Of course! I think I may just go with the first three requests, am I allowed to do that or do the competition police come and get me?!!
      Since the supplements are vitamin/mineral based it will be interesting to see if they help/hinder with psoriasis.

  7. Gorgeous outfits - totally gorgeous

  8. Please put me in the draw, I'd love to give the detox a try. I'm struggling with temperamental hormones at the moment (an age thing!) and having all sorts of new symptoms like skin problems.

  9. These sound amazing! I'm just back from an over indulgent trip to the USA (burgers, pizza, waffles - no calories were spared) so these would be very useful! :) Fab post! :) Your Dior bags are perfection! <3

  10. Sounds like a great detox and you are looking fab on it


I would love to hear from you and quite happy for some lively debate so feel free to say what you think! ....