Saturday 6 September 2014

Back to clothes...

And I sigh inwardly as I write this, but I have done nothing but sit at my desk for the last week.  The dogs plead with me to stay at home as they don't get their long walk when I'm not around.

This blue top is from ZARA and is in the bin end sale for £5.99, apparently powder blue is 'in' for AW14, according to lots of sources, including frills and thrills (this is her montage from Milan fashion week)...

However my biggest fashion critic (critic being the operative word), said that I looked more like this....

The office still has the residual Summer heat, so I need layers.  These jeans are from Hudson (lots here from 99p!)  They are amazing quality loads of elastic and quite thick so they really hold there shape, the jacket is an oldie from ZARA loads of similar here (again from 99p)!
The bag is at least 20 years old from Dior and shoes could be Valentino (if you need specs).

More work outfits....

The top has just landed in Primark, it was about £10 and I liked the fact that it is lower at the back than the front, although it is pure polyester and in 'the residual heat' I just started to feel clammy, One thing that is quite important in workwear is that it helps to maintain your poker face, so visible under arm sweat pools are never a good thing.  When I searched for a silk version on ebay and found over 1000 for less than a fiver, suddenly the Primark deal wasn't such a deal after all.

The black Joseph trousers were from my-wardrobe, they are real classics and I will wear forever, currently EVERYTHING is 70% off, there are some fab bargains to be had.

Be warned though if you go for Joseph, they do not play the 'designer size flattery' game.  These are a 38 (UK 12) and I could have done with going up a size really.

I did escape quickly on one afternoon to welcome a friend who has moved into the village, she is in the most beautiful modern cottage with 360 degree countryside views and a 5 minute walk from us.  
She and her family have moved in to try a bit of Oxfordshire life.  

 I rushed straight from work, blazers and skinnies are a bit of a uniform at the moment, the stripey top was from the bin end ZARA sale and the blazer is old from Mango.  There are loads here for anyone who doesn't have one in their wardrobe already...

Scented roses from Waitrose, the most beautiful supermarket flowers I have seen for a while.


  1. Do you think you will stop working and go back to doing your personal training Alexandra? How is your own weight loss going? Im doing rubbish...rubbish rubbish rubbish :)

  2. Funny you should say that, the good thing about working is that I am around people who have quite a go-getting attitude, and they are encouraging me to take the weight loss idea to the next level, so while personally I am rubbish, rubbish, rubbish too, I met get to a place where I can earn a living wage in the fitness area! watch this space x

    1. It would be so self satisfying to get to that place wouldn't it. To do what you love and have more time whilst helping others to achieve their goals.

  3. I have been after a blue shirt for about the last two years. I need to put on the wishlist! x

    1. Go to ZARA now, there were loads of them left and at £5.99 it's worth a try!!

  4. Those roses are absolutely gorgeous! I am a huge fan of baby blue anything, and think you wear the color very well! I've always found September to be the hardest month to dress for. Is it still summer, or autumn? I would love to see one of your great workout/nutrition posts as well! xoxo

    1. It is warm here at the moment, today was definitely summer!

  5. Yes, I too would love a skinnifying post. I've gone quite off the rails this summer. Great bargains! And those roses... To die for

  6. I have a new exercise toy that I am trying out and will be posting feedback soon!

  7. Those roses are spectacular - I miss Waitrose! I think you always look lovely and you're way too hard on yourself when it comes to clothes. I'm also joining everyone else in wishing for a post on health & fitness x

    1. it's coming soon I promise. I love everything about Waitrose, it's like jumping into a taxi, not something that I will ever take forgranted!

  8. LOVE the powder blue top and at £5.99 I love it more!
    Weight loss? You're super slim

    1. It is a size large (only one size left hence the £5.99!)

  9. I love the Primark top, a very flattering shape. I'd better look out for that.

    1. it is a nice shape, I am not good with polyester or any vanilla based fragrance, I just have hot skin and make both smell foul!


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