Saturday 13 September 2014

random things and guilty pleasures...

This week I watched the whole series of Ladies in London in two days. It's not something I am proud of and I feel like an addict confessing the truth.
Both mesmerised and repelled, I watched the staged fights and goings on of the group with a sense of recognition and distaste.  It is basically the 'Real Housewife' franchise in London, I am not sure why Bravo gave it a different name, as it is exactly the same format.

I live on the periphery of everything that was on the show, from the locations to the events, to the cast.  Even down to the ne'r do well boyfriend Scott (who is claimed to have hidden £400 million from his first wife to avoid an expensive settlement) The ex wife used to go to my gym in Oxford and hung out in the coffee bar with us.  We are loosely connected to most of the characters and plot lines and if I had had a burning ambition, or been even vaguely good at social climbing, I guess I could have been part of this set (not the housewives, the group that they stand for).  But I have a fatal flaw; the inability to 'make the effort' other than with people that I genuinely like and those people are measured only by their kindness and warmth, never by how they look, what is in their bank account or who they might know.

Watch the show here, Marissa would have become a friend, she is kind and open and a bit out of her depth with all the game-playing, but the Bumpkin chain of restaurants, that she was promoting, must have done well out of the show.

It set me to thinking about my strange split life, Wednesday was a meeting with Coutts

To present a new project that I am working on to their private client team

And then on Friday I headed to Albermarle Street to see the Amanda Wakeley SS15 presentation.  With a little more confidence I would have taken loads of pics of the amazing outfits that were the 'street style' of London Fashion Week, but I haven't quite mastered taking pics of strangers.

It was lovely, but today I hung out at the cottage and walked down an empty street, just me and the dogs and from nowhere a 'flutter of butterflies', (yes that really is the collective noun for a group of butterflies) appeared in the middle of the road, they danced around each other forming a constant helix shape. It was utterly beautiful and bought a moment of calm and absolute happiness that touched my soul in a way that a wardrobe full of Hermes bags never would.

In the afternoon we headed off for a Fahrt im Blau, there's not really an English translation of this, it means a journey into the blue, where the outcome is unexpected, unknown, but probably pleasurable.  It has all the connotations of being relaxed with time on your hands and nowhere important to be. Basically those older Sunday drivers who just 'go for a drive'. The husband and I are well and truly in that category now.  We went to Thame, it will be familiar to viewers of Midsommer Murders....

I did splash out at the Chocolaterie...

And found some pretty things at the artisan made boutique 'From'

And so the dichotomy, I am not a Polly Anna character that loves only the wholesome and the natural, there is a side to my character that is attracted to fripperies and  silliness, but I am happier being an observer than a direct participant.  I think I may have found a like-minded soul in muddy stilettos, who comments on country life through the eyes of an urbanite, she blogs around Thame and just the name of the blog was enough to get me hooked!

Do you embrace frippery and fancies or seek out the meaningful and the real, or are you a bit of both like me?


  1. Beautiful town. Everyone likes a bit of frivolity it's perfectly normal for it to have an appeal.

    1. I guess that sometimes I am concerned that the pull might be too strong, but like everything I guess it is just balance.

  2. I haven't come across this series before and now I think I might just have to watch it. Keep flicking back to their promo shot - those dresses, swoon, a Soft palette heaven. Gorgeous pictures, you're very lucky to have a cottage there xx

    1. And the room is beautiful, I think it is Home House.

  3. I'm a bit of both and have lived on the edges of all kinds of worlds. I love being at home and comfortable, but from time to time I love fancying up. I hope that we get the series in Canada. Sounds like a wonderful guilty pleasure. Gorgeous photos. There is no place quite like the UK.

    1. From what I have seen of Canadians, they are very good at getting the balance right. I spent some time in Vancouver and found everyone to be very 'real'. You may have to go the Youtube route as I am not sure if L of L will be hitting your screens any time soon!

  4. One needs a balance in life IMHO so too much of anything becomes trite. I have heard about this show and hope to watch this recovering from jetlag after my trip to see what people were talking about to compare notes!!

    1. It's the perfect antidote, requires no effort at all!

  5. Your 'fatal flaw' is a great, rare quality. What a wonderful day you had, and how wonderful to have the balance between country quiet, and city polish! xoxo

    1. We are lucky with the weather at the moment, it is sunny but a slight chill in the air, it makes these day trips very pleasant.

  6. I had heard about that series but thought it was only being shown in the US. Lovely pictures, fab post xx

  7. Have a watch on youtube and let me know what you think!

  8. I haven't heard of ladies in London although the housewives series of shows is a (secret) guilty pleasure.
    I'm certainly a person of opposites enjoying the natural and wholesome as well as the tacky and synthetic; the busy city and the remote countryside. It's good to appreciate and enjoy a whole rainbow of things and places in my opinion.

  9. you are right, it is about balance, I am not sure I am suited to my current job, I spend all my working day doing frivolous things, so in my down time, I need to start reading Proust or studying philosophy, shouldn't really be reading blogs!

  10. Dropped of the radar.
    Hello lovely! I didn't see any of that show, might do it in in two days two. My friend banks with Coutts - lovely cheque book, though that will be dying a death soon.

    1. so nice to hear from you, i hope all is well, do let me know if you come to London soon, we still haven't had chance for a proper catch up!

  11. I watch all the Housewives, even that boring one set in DC that got the axe.

    Churning out leal advice can be stressful, I like to unwind by watching their antics. Isn't it Dreaders about poor Scott and the palings? God only knows what will happen to Noelle now.

  12. Awful, apparently it is linked to the guy who fell from the shopping centre, I was in the car park that day and saw all of the aftermath, really, really bad and the worst thing of course is that the ratings will go through the roof for the next series.


I would love to hear from you and quite happy for some lively debate so feel free to say what you think! ....