Sunday 12 May 2013

St Barts tan Spirit of Summer

One of the products on my stand at the Spirit of Summer will be this amazing tan that was developed by one of my boot amp ladies.  She has spent years perfecting the formulation and I have been the lucky recipient of free samples over the last two years.
A quick flick through the blog will give you an idea of the colour that I go, on holiday I use every day, and this is after about a week of fake tanning.  But this isn't the same colour that anyone else might go, each user will tan to their own unique shade....
Now for the science bit....
St Barts tan is 12% DHA, DHA is derived from sugar cane and reacts with your own amino acids in your skin to tan you the darkest shade that you could possibly go if you lived year round somewhere hot.
It is a really expensive component and many tans scrimp on DHA and bulk out the product with chemical dyes, so whenever you are looking at fake tan, look for the DHA %, this is not an indicator of how dark you will go, more of an indicator of the quality of the product, and some really expensive tans do not even contain it.
I am always rushing between classes or personal training, so don't spend time applying properly, but what I LOVE about this tan is there is no waiting for it to dry.  It has quite a high alcohol content, so it does mean you should probably moisturise the day after you have applied it, but at the time of application, you could apply and get dressed into white jeans and t shirt immediately without any risk of marks.
It suits me really well on holiday too, as I don't ever go in the sun, just use this instead, and I slap it on every night to go out and happily wear white lace or silk tops without any problems.
St Barts are launching the product at the show with free sampling applications and where it usually costs £24 a bottle, they are offering two bottles for £20.


  1. Oh that sounds excellent, your post tan colour always looks incredible and what a joy to be able to put clothes on again so quickly.

    1. You are probably not in need of fake tan at the moment, lucky thing! However if you would like to try a bottle, I can get one sent to you after the show, just email and it will be posted next week! I would love to hear what you think of it.

  2. I have decided that after years of cooking myself in the sun this year I will not be. I am soon to be 40 and it's time to start treating my body like a temple - starting with the exterior!
    I love a good tan in the summer, I wear tinted moisturizer all year round. I will definitely have a closer look at this product


    1. If you came to the show you could try it, you really should in the name of research, for taking a stand for your fashion bits next year!

  3. Sounds really good. I did my tanning training with Fake Bake so use their products but am always interested in new brands x


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