Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Year 2014

I don't have as much clarity about what 2014 might bring.  This time last year, I had a calendar with each month mapped out visually outlining everything that I hoped to do....
We made it to St Barths in January
We bought our cottage in February
 Miss B became ours in March
 We started to prepare the tree nest in April
 We shopped only at the local farm shop from May and for the rest of the Summer
 We walked, swam, pottered in the garden and shopped for roses in June
 And July was given over only to cricket and cricket training
The beginning of August was spent in St Tropez
September we hunkered down and lit fires and enjoyed our tiny hideaway
 October I started to prepare the vegetable beds for 2014
 November was the beginning of our party season
December was family time (complete with lots of green ribbon and god children)

2014 is a little less clear cut.  The only resolution that I have made is to do more and say yes to as much as I can.
My resolution is to make 2014 about feeding the soul, which for me is people, books and exercise.
I want to try lose the habit of buying things to fulfill a desire that I can satisfy by working harder or making myself.
Most of all I resolve to spend more time with people and to work harder at all of those friendships that I have let slip through the course of adult life.
Which of your resolutions/ dreams did you fulfill in 2013 and what are your hopes for 2014?


  1. What a beautiful post, I'd like to be fitter but I'm not sure that I can be bothered to put the work in.

  2. In this weather that is not surprising, you just need a fitness holiday somewhere sunny to get you started!

  3. Lovely recap! Wishing you and your family a very Happy 2014.Thanks for all the lovely comments last year on my blog:)

    1. you too, my 'end of the week' is always your lovely friday post, I am just going to partake now!


I would love to hear from you and quite happy for some lively debate so feel free to say what you think! ....