Tuesday 24 February 2015

How to keep a house tidy part two hidden treasures...

All this fever induced cleaning has meant that I have discovered things that I had forgotten or thought long-lost.  I love these beautiful editions of F Scott Fitzgerald classics.

The wood inlaid chest of drawers was bought at an auction years ago.  At the time I hated brown furniture and was painting everything white or pale grey for a house that we were doing up.  Twelve years on and my tastes have changed, I'm finding the brown quite cosy and grown-up, something that I can get old with...

The one on the right is Regency, I picked it up for about 20 quid, it was so close to being painted, thank goodness my mum talked me out of it.....

This flat sheet was a bargain from Bicester Village about 15 years ago, it is from Deschamps was reduced from £360 to £80, it was still in its packaging...

 There is now space for the pilates reformer, which has been a reliable toner of tummy and waist over the last gym free 3 months...

I popped out with the dogs to get the fussy, small one her preferred brand of food and realised I hadn't locked the door. What if we were robbed?... but then I remember it looks like we have been...(the Sodoku continues, tomorrow the hall will get some attention)
 I had a date for afternoon tea, so wore 'the uniform', skinny beaten up boyfriend jeans (Primark!), blue t shirt (may be a dress) charity shop, Day Birger Mikkelsen coat from sample sale, Hermes bag and Ash copy boots from TK Maxx, love the glitter on the back.

 My favourite place to eat in the world as it means that I am with....

 This guy and he likes to hang out there as it means he is with....
 this girl.....

I was eating lots of protein as am on a turbo charged version of the Thermic plan (more on that later)

Normally I would choose from these....

Everything is so pretty, maybe I will always hanker after a bit of painted furniture...


  1. Oh I can't believe you can source furniture bargains as well as clothing bargains. I too love brown furniture now and used to turn my nose up at it, I said 'oof no thanks, years ago when my parents were clearing out the family house - big big mistake'
    I really wish I was in London just now, I took a tumble off old horsey and am stuck in with broken bones and stitches, I am demented with boredom.

  2. Poor you that is really miserable, aching bones and sore skin is never good, but in cold weather everything feels worse. What a horrible way to end your break. perhaps a little stint in the South of France to recuperate? London is no great shakes at the moment, just dull and chilly.

  3. Hello Friend,
    Your buddy in Georgia, near Chattanooga, Tennessee had the 3-week "ick" as well. Enjoyed the cleaning frenzy and the thermic inspiration. Happy to be inspired to ... Dare I say it, paint something white or periwinkle
    Thank you! Darla


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