Wednesday 25 February 2015

Vanessa Bruno and the pilates reformer...

I bought some bits from a sample sale before Christmas and the items that I have worn the most  all are all of those from the Vanessa Bruno collection.  I had always thought of her as a poor relation to Isabel Marant, but now I am not so sure.  There is a wearable simplicity to her clothes, they are well made, in lovely fabrics, but don't scream, 'Look you know which collection I am from and I AM expensive'.  I like the style of the lady herself (above) cool and effortless, with nothing to prove.
Here are some looks from SS15, I also like how in the all the shows, the shoes are always flat, comfortable, easy to walk in, but still quite stylish, no hobbling of female kind....
 This is from a collection about 3 years ago, but you could still wear any of it and have a nod to this season's trends....

My dream closet, just a few beautiful tops with a pile of good jeans folded below...

Her bags don't break the bank and I like that there is a touch of sparkle, but nothing OTT
There are some great deals to be had here I assume these are all legit and not copies!

 Today I wore a cashmere mix Vanessa Bruno jumper, which I have lived in since November and not a single bobble in sight...

This jacket arrived this morning, it is Jaeger London and was £5 on ebay, the print is quite similar to one that I saw at Joseph yesterday...

Very early this morning doing my pilates on the reformer, it is a handy little machine and the exercises are quick and varied, so it is over before I have fully woken up...

I think it is more effective than classes (on a mat), as it forces you to use the right muscle groups and if you don't use them you don't move so it is pretty evident.  In classes, it can be quite easy to switch off and only work at 50% of capacity.

I have definitely 'broadened' over the more sedentary last 3 months, but I still have a bit of a waist and I haven't adopted my default 'pigeon' shape, I can only put that down to the reformer as I have done nothing else.

If you have the space, there are loads available here, the second hand ones are a price of an exercise DVD, so it could be worth giving a go.  In Winter time, we should be a little gentler with ourselves, let's save the marathons for Spring!! Does your exercise routine differ with the seasons? Anything that you would recommend for Winter?


  1. I have s reformer too but it's in the garage. I now want a jumping board reformer bc I tried it and I love it but good ones are quite dear and it might end up in the garage. I am trying but too much on at the moment. I am going to recharge in the spring. I haven't tried v Bruno but only bc I rarely shop and go to same shops but it does suit you well.

    1. I know what you mean, I have a powerplate vibrating alone in the garage. they do take up quite a lot of space. i need to check out the Bruno shop on Grafton street, i didn't know it was there until yesterday

  2. I'm doing warm (not hot) yoga right mow as warmth is incentive to go to my gym. There is a reformer class and I think you are convincing me to try it!

    1. warm yoga sounds just the ticket, the gym where i go seems to economise on central heating!

  3. You're absolutely right, all,those pieces would still work today. I love clothes like this. You're so good with your ebay purchases. I browse and never see anything. Gorgeous jacket x

    1. thank you, i am a hopeless online shopper as i never get around to sending things back, i can do the 'risk' factor with ebay as if wrong it heads to the charity shop or a friend

  4. I've joined a gym! Utterly loathe it, but needs must :( So in awe of your amazing eBay finds. You really are an expert at finding a bargain.

    1. neither the postman nor the husband are thrilled by my talent!

  5. Oh I love Vanessa Bruno, I have a great top of hers I got on Ebay, a total bargain (I think you would approve!) I have been doing hot yoga, I just wish I had the time to get to the studio more. x

    1. Ha! I probably bid against you (sorry!) I am always scouring ebay for her stuff. Hot yoga would be lovely, but there is nowhere nearby that does it, I bet it feels fantastic for hours when you have finished.


I would love to hear from you and quite happy for some lively debate so feel free to say what you think! ....