Sunday 9 June 2013

Building Sun Memories....

You can keep your cordon bleu meal, nothing says luxury to me more than a bar b q.  I am sure it is quite simply the association of sunshine (or at least no rain).  You know how we all have those memories of long hot childhood summers and running through the sprinkler in the garden? I am not sure the weather was much better, but we just HAD to be outside, whether at school  or at home we were thrown out of the door and told to go and play, the minute that there was even a break in the rain.  I am sure that this builds disproportionately sunny memories. If it worked then, I am attempting to do the same now.
I have invested in two bar b qs which have sun at different times of day, there is no excuse not to get outside at least for an hour or as long as the rain holds off.
This was an impromptu one, didn't even have time to scrub down the table (or find more suitable plates than my Thomas Goode Carnival ones that will never be replaced if they break!) . But doing it was more important than making it perfect.  Although I do look at Cynthia's outside dining and think this is what I MUST aspire to, once I have worked out how to even switch on the barbie (luckily I had a helper for this).

All this produce was from the local farm shop and we picked the asparagus only half an hour before. It doesn't get much better than this. 

What do you do to build your sunny day memories? 


  1. That looks delicious. I'm the same ... any break in the rain and the bbq is on. Love it! To me, the smell of bbq means summer, regardless of the weather!

    1. I'm trying to walk too, if the rain looks like it is holding off I go for a 10 minute walk, as long as there are comfortable shoes by the door it is easy and I swear I have a suntan!

  2. Dinner at your house looks heavenly! Your table is vibrantly beautiful! Thanks for the mention. Happy Summer!

    1. Your blog is so inspirational I am sure I will be doing lots of links to your beautiful posts!


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