Saturday 29 June 2013

The sun shined the silverware shone....

A lunch table with home grown roses, something I have dreamt of for years....

The debris from lunch ready to be a cold supper in the evening, with Mosimanns choccies...

Dogs relaxing 

FIFA playing (plus ca change!)


  1. Hi there, are you signed up to Bloglovin, so that we can follow your blog? The Google reader is shutting down shortly ... not entirely sure how we'll be affected, but everyone seems to be migrating to Bloglovin. Just thought I'd let you know!

    1. Ooh sounds techie, but I will give it a go!! Thanks so much xx

  2. Your table is beautiful, as is the door, and gorgeous curtains. I'm curious if the roses are white, or pale pink?

    1. They are both white, but completely different types. The tall vase are blousey and thin and the ones in the mirror vases, much more substantial, almost like silk ones. But I have no idea of variety as they were here already. There is a place nearby called Maddox roses, they actually predate David Austin, but were never very good at marketing. I am planning to do a trip and check out what is on offer and will do a post to report!


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