Sunday 17 November 2013

Camel and chocolate...

I wrote about a new blog which looks at how to buy and wear clothes rather than just buying more a couple of posts back.  I read this post on I won't wear sludge brown about rules for colours.  I don't know anything about colour analysis, but when I put this outfit together (sticking to the rules for my 'soft' type) it definitely looked a lot better with the sludge brown scarf than with the colourful pashmina that I had planned to go with it.  Looking distinctly manly in the second pic, but the brown blends with the hair and skin tone and makes my complexion look more even without makeup.  Here is previous pic of said orange scarf and skin looking pretty drained and pale (despite tons of make up).
What do you think? Have you had your colours done? Do you shop with your colour swatches?


  1. Alexandra, you have got the Soft palette down to a tee - love the scarf/coat combo. Shhhh don't tell anyone, I never use my colour wallet but I do know what I can get away with as a 'Soft'. I think it's all about understanding how to balance your look as oppose to sticking rigidly to the rules which is utterly miserable.

    Thanks so much for featuring my blog on here - so, so flattered. Donna x

  2. It's a pleasure, it's really interesting what you write, I hope that you stick at it!

  3. Yes I had my colors done by House of Color (Kensington, London) about 15 years ago, and I never deviate from my swatches. It makes shopping so much easier as I can walk into a shop and quickly scan if anything is in my color or not.It also means that more or less everything in my wardrobe can be mixed/matched to some extent. The couple of times at the beginning when I wanted to test my colors and wore something that was not my color, so many people asked me if I was tired or unwell (I wasn't either by the way ;-)

  4. I tried to this a few years ago with something I read in a Trinny & Suzanna book. You look lovely in those colours camel and soft browns always look expensive. X

  5. Love camel ( or caramel) and beige, with white, with black and with brown. Classy. You look great in the second picture. Think I mentioned "colours" to your before but you said that you had never thought about it. Makes such a difference doesn't it.


I would love to hear from you and quite happy for some lively debate so feel free to say what you think! ....