Saturday 16 November 2013


For me blogs are like glossy magazines, the fun place to get away from the humdrum and real world.
But when this happens...
It feels beyond pathetic to be thinking about Christmas and clothes.
I have seen a great fundraising activity that is so easy to do and can be started within a couple of hours. I have got my gym to take part, it took about 30 seconds to persuade them.

Simply sell a small bottle of water, and once the water has been drunk fill it with coins and return.  All funds are then donated to DEC.  I saw it first at my son's school, but it's so easy to do, you don't need the labels on all the bottles. Just one poster.  Does anyone know someone at Starbucks or Costa that they could hassle to do this too?


  1. For anyone spending a lot of money on new clothes and christmas, it wouldn't hurt, whilst we count our blessings to make a donation, no matter how small. My sons school is having a non school uniform day next Friday as a thank you for a good Ofsted report, the letter said that a donation is therefore not compulsory but if you would like to make one it will go to the victims of this terrible disaster, which I think is great and hope all the parents get behind it xx

  2. At the time of year where we are all shopping and planning feasts, it makes you realise we are so lucky to be born in the UK, our starting point for a 'happy life' is higher than most people in the world can even dream of and yet we still find things to be ungrateful about. Although I have to confess to a lazy afternoon of online shopping and eating cake, I haven't exactly been out doing my bit.


I would love to hear from you and quite happy for some lively debate so feel free to say what you think! ....