Friday 15 November 2013

Dressing the tree...

I persevered with a real tree, but it was so unpopular, little needles sticking upright in the carpet, showers of pine every time I did any hoovering, dogs feeling sorry for themselves with splinters in their paws. So this year I bit the bullet and bought a fake. It looked lustrous and snowbound in the pics. The reality was a little more paltry.  Do you remember the story of the little Christmas tree so ugly and unassuming next to all its beautiful neighbours? As with all ugly ducklings, my heart went out to it and I am determined to make it a sight to behold.
Bella helped, but first she had to take out the penguin....

We filled the tree with woodland folliage, fruit and flowers....
Then added lights and fun things to cover the base....

And then hearts, baubles and goodies...(complete with the angel on the top)
All sorts of random bits make it on to the tree, from first shoes, to loved toys and old crackers that were too beautiful to throw away.  The great thing is, at this time of year, when tidying, if I find something that I am really not sure what to do with, it quite often ends up hidden in the Christmas tree?

If you like something a little different on your table at Christmas, check out Frou Frou and Thomas, it is where the crackers below are from, they are works of art!

Do you work to a super stylish theme and do you think it is too early to be setting up for Christmas? Should I have been out trying to bag some Isabel Marant instead?!


  1. Bit too early for me I'm afraid, although you did a really lovely job. And actually, I think you'd have been wasting your time trying to hunt down some Marant ... probably far more productive to get your tree in order!

  2. haha so true and I notice Marant is now hundreds of pounds on Ebay! I have to go early, it takes so long and I have so much rubbish, it is a bit of a waste of time if I wait until December!

  3. Me too, I wait till December first which is still pretty early around here but I like it up for the whole month. I saw that about the prices of the H & M collection.
    That's a great idea about the bottles, I've never seen it before so simple yet effective.

    1. And Forever 21 have some great copies of the IM main collection for about £24.99, might be a better deal than the HM stuff, I liked the embroidered jeans, but the silver bomber jacket etc didn't look like keepers!

  4. i set my PA on the Marant and got one sweatshirt - which was prob one more than i would have got - i loved it but i so object to paying tons on ebay esp since i sell my bits on ebay for a fraction of the cost! I love your tree it is abs gorgeous - mine is going up on the 7th, day of our company christmas party but it is never to early for christmas and again such a cute puppy xx

    1. i know what you mean, I sold about 20 items from Valentino and didn't get more than 200 quid, I couldn't possibly spend that on one resale thing from HM!!

  5. You were good for that tree, adorable.


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