Sunday 30 March 2014

A place where it is always Summer....

My favourite shop in the whole world in situated in Summertown in Oxford.  The street is aptly named, South-facing, the sun shines fully on the cafes and outside dining restaurants all day long.

However grim the weather, Vanilla is full of light and beautiful things, brands include 120% Lino, Juliet Dunne, Velvet, Citizens of Humanity, Graham and Spencer and many more...

 They make it very easy to spend money there, with everything from small gifts for under £10 to beautiful leather jackets and bags for a few hundred, it's almost impossible to leave without one of their delicious little bags.....

Do you have any brilliant boutiques near you? Do you support them or are you a hardened online shopper?


  1. OMG!!! This is my kind of shop. I shop more online when I am in the UK. But when I am living in Spain, there are lots of little boutiques like this that I can spend hours in. They are also the prefect place to find nice girlie birthday presents too.

    1. i loved the shops in Seville, but you need to seek them out, there seemed to be a ZARA and mango on every corner, which is really sad, you could be anywhere in the world when it is so uniform. And yes the gifting is easy peasy in these places!

  2. What a spectacular shop. Independent boutiques will always be my favourites!

    1. sadly they are the first to be hit by the internet so i try to buy something each time i pass even if it is just a birthday card

  3. I could spend a few hours lost in that little shop x

    1. sometimes i just pop in when it is raining as it always feels so optimistic

  4. It definitely looks a "Happy Place".


I would love to hear from you and quite happy for some lively debate so feel free to say what you think! ....