Monday 15 April 2013

A trip to the garden centre

I loved everything about this place except the portacabin where they served the tea and cake, like being back at school. However the plants were all beautiful, grown on site and the larger ones came with a three year guarantee. I don't have green  fingers, this is my first garden, and it is all a little overwhelming, albeit a valid excuse to shop! 

Ornaments galore...
Plants galore, miles and miles of tables of everything imaginable...

I loved this 300 year old olive tree, but sadly do not have a spot for it.

The museum of gardening, would have made a great restaurant.
The house is very grand if a little dull...
and the cafe was a total let down...


  1. I love going to gardening centres, all the colour and flowers just lifts my mood, my garden is a mess just now, it's going to take so much work, pfffft.

    Off on hols in May, then June then hopefully again in the autumn it cannot come soon enough!

  2. Pottering around in the garden with a mug in hand, is great with the sun on your back, otherwise somewhere hot in May and June sounds like a good plan!


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