Friday 12 April 2013

What I have worn recently

Pure Thunderbirds, before jumping into a cab and saying 'Home Parker', I changed in to a really old Burburry mac as the pink was a little startling for that time in the morning. I was doing 'smart' for a work meeting, but the offices were hot so the black jersey dress and two pairs of tights were a little too warm.


  1. Hi, Lovely outfits, have you cut your hair or is it in a bun. Great location you use for your photos.

  2. It's plaited and tucked up into itself, I have terrible hair and rarely bother withit, this is what I do when I need to get out the door in 5 mins!

  3. Oh I love the pink what a gorgeous shade it is. You can't go wrong with a Mac if in doubt but hopefully a bit of sunshine will have you wearing brighter colours real soon x


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