Saturday 22 February 2014

Lunch at Cliveden

Cliveden is one of the most beautiful country houses  in Britain, its chequered history makes it all the more fascinating.  Architect buffs will love to read about how it has evolved through many different styles since is was first built in the 1700s, but for most of us, it is from the Astor era onwards that it really gets interesting.
There is a new play about the Profumo affair indicating that it was all a bit of a 'set-up' and of course the film Scandal tells the original 60s tale of Russian spies, call girls and the British establishment.

We just went for lunch at the newly renovated restaurant. It is beautiful and only £28 for the set menu, I was loathed to take pics after the recent French chef banning food photography and saying that it is 'ill-mannered'.

The entry hall where afternoon tea is served is about as 'English castle' as you can get.

But the new dining room is light, modern, beautiful and airy...
This was the only 'food' pic I snaffled...
Sweet things to choose to go with coffee...

The Duchess of Sutherland for whom the house was originally built.
The library next to the dining room.
It is so close to London that it is worth the trip, a walk in the grounds rounds of lunch nicely, and once it gets its Michelin star I am sure prices will shoot up.

I forgot to take a pic of the outfit , but wore a Whistles lilac fish scale skirt and purple top.

Are there any good restaurants that you have discovered recently? Are sequins too much for lunch?!


  1. Sequins are never too much for lunch!! Especially at such a beautiful spot. I was unaware of the ban on food photos :-O. Whatever will I snap for Instagram now?? Your pictures are gorgeous. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Gosh that looks lovely, my parents Kevin and I walked past it on our week long hike from the source of the Thames in Cirencester but did not go in. My friend actually owns the place where the Scandal women met with the politicians on their trysts.Oh that's a pretty outfit, always love a sparkly purple

    1. that is a serious walk, well done you, you would have deserved to stop in for lunch

  3. What a gorgeous house! The outfit looks divine. And and the Happy Birthday chocolate calligraphy is too perfect.


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