Sunday 16 February 2014

Spring memories....

It's such a beautiful day, and I hope that even those who have been flooded, can see some light at the end of the tunnel.
It made me think back to Spring days from years ago and enjoy them all over again....
The first year that we moved into the cottage...

 The annual pilgrimage for the mammoth Easter egg hunt...

Enjoying the spoils....

Impromptu parties in the garden....

The March trip to the South coast, where there is lots of exercise...

Of all varieties...

Beautiful regency architecture that sparkles in the sunshine

It makes you happy just to be alive...
What are your favourite Spring memories?


  1. Today is truly a glorious day. Not too cold and with a bright sun - I feel so guilty not taking a proper walk but alas my body is still in hibernation mode.

  2. Love these pictures - It was a gloriously sunny but cold morning in Glasgow today! Beautiful to see the sun so strong. Cannot wait until spring xxx

    Hope you have had a lovely Sunday

    Lucy xxx
    Florals & Corals

  3. Oh it's the same here today, how happy does it make you feel? We are all so sun starved!

    1. the silver lining of all this rain,is at least it makes us grateful and not take a nice day forgranted

  4. It just made me smile the sun after all this miserable weather even better looking back on gorgeous pictures that bring back happy memories.

  5. Beautiful!! It was raining when I flew out of Vancouver (no surprise there) and sunny when we landed in San Francisco. The sunshine is so medicinal for me. Glad you had a lovely day of sunshine!!


I would love to hear from you and quite happy for some lively debate so feel free to say what you think! ....