Monday 25 February 2013

Boden dressing (on the cheap)

This outfit started to go a little all over the place with the statement bag and black and white minstrels glove, indeed you can over co-ordinate it seems.  I lost the bag and gloves and went a little more comfortable with some five year old Ruby and Ed canvas daps.
The outfit is definitely channeling Boden catalogue c. 1992 (the coat even has a clashing 'loud' lining). Although by all accounts you can't get much louder than that pink, it was a bargain £3 charity shop find (originally Per Una from M & S).  And the scarf is from Accessorise, it is old, cheap and polyester, but it is warm enough for outside, and not too heavy to wear around the house.  The jeans are cast-offs from my eldest son, and the cardi an el cheapo from Dorothy Perkins via Ebay.  I think the whole outfit including shoes would have cost about £12, but I quite like it, it may not be 'fashion forward', but it is warm, cheerful, practical and comfortable.
What do you think? Or does it look like it is all charity shop and cast-offs? Be brutal, I can take it.


  1. It looks good, it's nice that you are a little greener by buying pre-loved.

  2. I had never really thought about it like that, but you are right, particularly where it comes to 'fast fashion' type clothes that are often never even worn. I feel quite virtuous, might hit some charity shops tomorrow!


I would love to hear from you and quite happy for some lively debate so feel free to say what you think! ....