Thursday 21 February 2013

Terrible Terrible raspberry and black outfit choice

Like a child, as soon as I get something new I have to wear it immediately, even if that means pairing a tutu with wellies.  So when my new Great Plains Raspberry top appeared it was no exception.
I actually went out wearing this to meet some friends for coffee and a catch up.
The coated jeans were  a purchase from the Zara sale and I am really pleased with them, but put together with the two tops and too match-y shoes (Chanel c.1992), I can see that this is all a big mistake.
The sun may have been shining for a fraction of a second, but this top is definitely more 'real summer' than 'break in the gloom'.  I thought that I would wear it with white capri trousers and flat shoes and these photos are evidence that I should have stuck to that thought.  I was worried it might look a bit WAG, but my more successful clothing choices seem to be when I play dress up, so perhaps that is a worthy theme.
On a different note, I was given two items of clothing for my Birthday and I have no idea what they are for. I am wearing the black version here, the top  is very thin, no thicker than a pair of tights, I was given this black one and also a nude one. I am not sure what they are for or why you would wear them as they are too thin to offer any warmth and made of nylon so not supportive enough and a bit stinky for the gym.  Any ideas what they are? They came in a packet like a pair of tights, but the writing was an Eastern European language.

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