Sunday 10 February 2013

Making an effort...

This is something that I have never done before...put clothes on and then changed them.  I've always been a bit more, 'that will do' than 'how can I improve?'.
The problem is that the fundamentals of this outfit are wrong, but once they were on I couldn't be bothered to completely change, (I'm not a fan of central heating and the flat is currently only a couple of degrees warmer than outside, I spend as shorter time as possible in any state of undress) so is it possible to improve with accessories and other bits?
 The jumper is a beige number from H & M that I probably paid about £2.99 for, trousers are Oasis combats, purple top is Warehouse and boots Oscar de La Renta (have owned these for c.10 years)
 Boots make the whole thing a bit CND march so thought may be heels would help, but not the ones above....
 Added leather boots, necklace, and belt to match boots and bag the same colour as top, but bag is a little dressy for day time.
 So opted for big messenger bag to match boots.

And staple cardigan and scarf as it is snowing again.
Bloody hell what an effort, should have changed the top or trousers at the beginning.
Any way what do you think? I am asking sincerely as I have never 'done' making an effort, can't really call this fashion as I have no idea if this cuts the mustard, and since nothing is 'new' I suppose it really can't be 'fashion' so I can't be offended by your comments (famous last words).
I wore this out to meet a friend for coffee, on a cold day somewhere quite suburban.  I was channeling town/country, practical but a hint of effort.
For what it's worth I felt ridiculous, if the trousers needed that much effort to stop me looking like a Greenham Common regular they are for Ebay not for me.


  1. You look nice, but how far can you walk on a snowy day in those boots?

  2. You are so right, they worked quite well on the slushy grass as I could sort of dig the heel in, but on concrete and ice, not so good.


I would love to hear from you and quite happy for some lively debate so feel free to say what you think! ....