Sunday 18 August 2013

Dress 3 Belville Sassoon

This looks like a pretty fluid dress, but it has the underpinnings of military proportions to achieve the shape.  There is a rigid corset underneath and by some kind of couturier magic it both fits at the front and drapes at the back.  I am not sure if Belville Sassoon are still around (I bought this dress in a sample sale about 18 years ago).
I like that is looks very demure from the front and has just the right amount of transparency at the back to create some interest.  I clipped in my American dream hair as wanted mermaid hair over lunch...



  1. Wow, you look incredible and what a great butt! I need to do those walking lunges that you do.

  2. Thanks, I would swap you a butt for your real mermaid hair any day of the week!

  3. That's just a simply stunning dress. Your hair looks lovely too! x

    1. That's the problem most of it is to actually mine!!

  4. Replies
    1. Aw...thanks.. It's one of theses dress that nearly hit the eBay pile, but probably means it's worth hanging on to most things!

  5. You are perfection from top to toe. Brava. Do you agree that all that corseting can actually feel pretty comfortable when done right? What is the saying....fits like a glove!

    1. You are so right, even sitting in 30 degree heat it was ok (and made me think about deportment)!


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