Thursday 15 August 2013

Long forgotten treasures...

Now that there is a little more organisation in my sartorial life, I can put together proper outfits from long lost treasures.  I have had these shoes for years and bought the blue dress fairly recently (also Dior).  We are spoiled with the British high street, and Zara is fab, but every now and again I pick up a garment like this and realise there will always be a place for beautifully made designer clothes.

It was all going swimmingly, matching shoes bag and dress, I was feeling smug, squeezed into the dress and seams didn't stand a chance against my rather sizeable buns of steel.  The needle and thread were quickly employed and unbelievably the remedial action lasted for the whole evening, including bending down to get into a low car and eating a three course meal! 


  1. So beautiful. But where are the pics of you wearing it all??

  2. Was in a bit of a rush in the end, and to be honest I don't do it justice, you need to be little and petite, with my big old shoulders, it's a bit silk purse and sow's ear and all that!

  3. What gorgeous pieces, great that you have kept hold of them x

  4. The shoes and dress are in that unbelievably beautiful tone of blue...the most divine, heavenly colour if from another time when ladies ate caramels and gentlemen opened car doors...


I would love to hear from you and quite happy for some lively debate so feel free to say what you think! ....