Tuesday 27 August 2013

What I have spent most of my Summer doing...

There have been a disproportionate amount of St Tropez posts which may have left an impression that my Summer was all parties and high voltage glamour, that was a handful of days, this is the reality....

 Lots of cricket....

and preparing cricket teas...
and more cricket....

Not a single match rained off, it has been a blissful Summer.


  1. That is idyllic, I so want to move to a small English village.

    1. Come to somewhere near Oxford, you would fit in perfectly, everyone is an intellectual snob so would want your company (although they might find your glamour a little unnerving!)

  2. It certainly has been a fab summer but I am filled with that awful feeling it is all going to end soon......

    1. i think (hope) we will have quite an indian summer this year, famous last words, but even when the sun goes in, there is still warmth in the air, I have everything crossed that it will stay good, Autumn is my absolute favourite!

  3. Autumn whether started here at the end of July beginning of August. Im so very jealous of all you in England who have been enjoying the warm weather whilst I have been in jumpers and boots. I kid you not!!


I would love to hear from you and quite happy for some lively debate so feel free to say what you think! ....