Sunday 25 August 2013

Dress 6 Monsoon (last one phew!)....

 I bought this dress from Bicester Village to send to a friend who lived in Poland and wanted it as her wedding dress, on the day Monsoon were having a clearance sale with buy one get one free on everything, so I ended up with two for 40 quid!
One headed straight for Poland and the other has been my boho party dress of choice for the last 8 years or so...

...not least because shortly after buying it, Gisele wore a similar style one by Prada for the Oscars and I always love how she looks, just from a trainer's perspective, her muscle tone is almost perfect with just the right amount of definition, it is hours of work every day to achieve the perfect balance of strength and stretch (poor Leo looks like he wasn't joining her in her efforts)...


  1. You've looked amazing each day ... frankly, I'd hate to be holidaying anywhere near you, lol!!! I could never live up to your high standards

    1. Ha me neither!

      Giselle looks stunning, I love her body type, I wish I wasn't so tiny, I'm always 10lbs away from looking dumpy.

    2. trust me I'm just old and frumpy by St T standards! I would love to be smaller with narrow shoulders, when I put on weight, I just turn into a huge unit like a big fridge freezer.

  2. Have loved these posts on your dresses, some fantastic choices and you look stunning in all :-)

    1. you are very kind, I quite like this impractical fantasy dressing, it is the every day UK stuff that I struggle with,I'm either dowdy or way too over sequined and bright, can never find a happy medium here!


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