Wednesday 28 August 2013

The perfect antedote to the madness of St Tropez

We were very lucky to be invited to the Highlands of Scotland for some salmon fishing, it is a 10 hour drive.  On the way there, we went via Shrewsbury and stayed with friends, coming back we had cricket matches to get to so we did the whole drive straight.  Four of us in the car with two dogs and kit in every inch of space should have been chaos, but we had Dara O'briain on the audio and spent most of the journey laughing.
Scotland was unbelievably beautiful, we only got a taster and I was desperate to stay for more.


  1. All of your summer posts are fabulous!! I would love to explore more of Scotland as I enjoyed Edinburgh so much when we visited:)

    1. It is really stunning and very sophisticated, I can't wait to go back!

  2. Love it, were you on the Tay? It's so peaceful around that area.

    1. We were on the Conon, not a bad haul for the days that we were there, but we had to leave before we could fish the best beat. I took loads of pics, but haven't got them off the camera yet, this was just from the bberry.


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