Tuesday 13 August 2013

New Sports kit

Lulu Lemon has been my sportswear of choice for the last decade, I usually buy it direct from Canada  and it is a bit cheaper. I have kit from 10 years ago which is still like new. But the last lot (pictured here) has all fallen to pieces already. One of my Canadian friends told me that they have been bought by a private equity company and are going for big expansion, which makes me wonder if they are compromising on quality and focusing on profit only, but whatever it is, the product no longer justifies the hassle and I'm looking for something new.
Zaggora and their 'hot pants' have been getting a lot of coverage recently and have created quite a stir among other trainers that I chat to at the gym, but I have to confess that I would never wear any thing shorter than knee length so have not actively sought out a pair.
Whilst on the beach in St Tropez, contemplating how different some of the regulars were looking, I got a call from Zaggora asking me if I would like to try their 'hot pants', with no Internet connection, I wasn't sure exactly what they were, but when they told me that they would burn more calories and improve the tone of my skin, who would say no?
I returned home to find the package waiting, they weren't bum skimming hotpants, but regular below the knees leggings.
The idea is that you measure yourself, wear them for two weeks and then measure again.
I have been wearing them for 10 days, and already I can see a significant difference, in that they are looser and where my skin has suffered post holiday flaking over the resr of my body, it hasnt on the parts covered by the leggings.  I've missed a few days, so I am not at the end of my two week trial when I will do a proper round up with before and afters and my stats.

All the 'miracle' stuff aside, the reason for this post is simply that they are great fitness wear, they cost (a lot) less than Lulu Lemon, they are robust and help to hold the body in good position.
And without wishing to over share, two children later, I am not always great at high impact activities without a few trips to the ladies. But something about the combination of the firmness and heat seems  to help distract from the bladder.  They are also very thick, so there is none of the transparency during stretching that you normally get with cheaper sportswear.
I've already placed an order for the size smaller and the Hot Top, just because it is great sportswear, if the results are as good as they promise that is a bonus!

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