Thursday 1 August 2013

Bootcamp in Oxfordshire

Four of us challenged ourselves to a 3 day bikini body bootcamp.  Each day we woke up and did an hour of yoga, after breakfast we went straight into RockSculpt, a full on strength and fat burning work out, which at its most intense can burn over 600 calories in an hour. Before anyone could register exhaustion we stretched the muscles with CoreSculpt, which uses slower, stretch and endurance based exercises to stretch and load the muscles.  As the weather was fantastic, it was easy to stick to a fairly light lunch of green salad, chicken breast and bean and seed salad.
The first afternoon we spent walking, the three hour walk flew by as we crossed rivers, fought our way through fields of nettles and took in the beautiful countryside.  We were all wearing shorts and got stung to pieces, but not a single person turned back, everyone made it to the end and then jumped into the river to cool their burning legs.  In the evening we had a bar b q and devoured steak and piles of salad and vegetables.  We chose between pudding or wine, everyone went for wine!
On the second day, our morning followed much the same routine, but in the afternoon, we headed to Bicester Village to buy some last minute holiday bits and soothe our tired bodies.  Supper was light and we tried to forget our growling tummies with a sunset walk.
The third morning was a marathon of Pilates and yoga, although by far the most gentle day of them all, after the intensity of the previous two days, every movement felt like a victory.
We said our farewells as lunchtime, promising that we would make this a quarterly rendezvous in order to maintain our new drive and vigour.


  1. A bikini boot camp that includes a trip to Bicester Village sounds like my kind of work out!!

  2. I think we spent more to replace the unbeaten calories!!

  3. Sounds like a heavenly three days!

    1. We were a little hungry, but I was glad to have done it when I got to the beach!


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