Sunday 3 March 2013

Smart for work meeting

I had a meeting with a couple of people that I worked with many years ago at Conde Nast.  They are still very much kicking their heels in London town and absolutely fabulous in every way.
I am the country cousin, who has completely lost touch, and wasn't that 'in touch' to start with.
Smart is tricky for me since I live in my gym kit, or if I make an effort could be randomly wearing a wedding dress, kitted out Bollywood style, or channeling Anna Karenina.
It was very cold, so I opted for thick tights, Hermes ankle boots (£70 from my favourite secret shop that I am yet to reveal!) Limited Edition dress M and S dress 99p via Ebay and Top Shop Cardi.  As ever a dress wins the day for me as accessorising is unnecessary and I don't fall in the final furlong.


  1. You can't beat a dress, takes the pain out of all that mixing and matching!

    1. Every time, just a bit chilly in the snow, but mustn't complain today there is REAL SUNSHINE!

  2. Your third sentence was a scream! I know the feeling.

    1. Ha! I thought you were AWOL...posting soon? Missing my weekly vocab tests xx

  3. You look fab... love the dress! Hope you get the jacket on ebay:)


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