Wednesday 6 March 2013

Think life is better as a natural skinny? ...

Inspired by the post about SJ, I asked another of my personal training clients if they would mind me writing a post about them as a case study.

PB did not want to supply a picture, but emailed me these words.

'I have always been thin, I eat normally, but when I was younger people assumed I had eating problems.  I never embraced being skinny and envied my friends with their wonderful breasts and guitar shaped bodies.  I was always a pencil.

Now that I am past 50 I feel dreadful, in every horror film or drama, the demented, evil or insane character is bony with a curved spine and ribs like a xylophone, that is what I felt I was becoming.

My legs were like sticks and my tummy had dropped and resembled a deflated balloon, hanging loose below my visible rib cage.  I hate it and would rather be 3 stone overweight than have this little body that is becoming more and more withered with age.

I was getting quite depressed and seemed to feel much older than my friends. 
Training with the Find has been a revelation, not only have I watched the beauty of the seasons changing in Kensington Gardens, but I have new muscles all over my body, and even look like I have gained a cup size!'

PB has always shied away from exercise all of her life, partly because she feared that it would make her even thinner.  This has possibly contributed to an acceleration of what she describes above. She has never done ANY kind of regular exercise

We have put the breaks on with strength training exercises to build up all the muscle groups in her body.

I am training her in an intense version of RockSculpt.  The sessions are short, sharp and intense, using perfect technique and weights, with an equal amount of time spent stretching as exercising.

PB does not need any specific diet, but does eat a lot of high (unsaturated) fat and protein.

PB looks beautiful and most women would envy her her naturally slim physique, but you have read her words to understand  how she was feeling.  One of the great things about regular exercise, that PB had never experienced, is the emotional lift, those endorphins last for 24 hours and it is quite possibly this factor that is the most important for her.

1 comment:

  1. I would have said Natural Skinnie's have it better but maybe not x


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