Friday 6 September 2013


I have to admit that the combination of hot weather, loads of people visiting and school holidays has slightly thrown my...err... cleaning rota.  To be totally honest, cleaning is rarely top of my agenda, in fact I loathe it, I think may be it's because I wait until we are drowning in chaos and go on a 16 hour binge, and like anything in life, the little and often approach is more manageable and long term.

Today though, was very different, I started the purge at 8am and kept going non-stop until 5.30.  And I enjoyed every minute.  Probably because I have been on my own all day, so what I finished, stayed done rather than the Sisyphus-like ever repeating chores.

I'm going to try to this....
Since I don't have some of these things/places, it means I get some days off so I think I can manage it.

Going forward, I'm going to follow this guide....

 ...I know it is pathetic to need this, but I worked in an office for 20 years and paid someone else to do the above.  And I'm by no means belittling it, being good at cleaning is a skill which is much more useful in real life than what I did for a living. 

This is my commitment to become a domestic goddess!


  1. I don't mind cleaning but even with just two of us I have to clean and hoover everyday. One thing I have never ever done though is wipe down skirting boards etc, er are we supposed to do that too then?

  2. My problem is exactly that, I don't really see what needs to be done until after it is done and realise how much better it looks.

  3. Now these are some very useful tips. I've done Day 17 & 18 already, and need to tackle the rest :-)

    1. Let me know how you get on and if you find your zen by doing all of them!

  4. I generally keep it tidy-ish. Clean loo every day, wash dishes every day (no dishwasher) cook from scratch every day, do at least one load of washing each day and hang it on the line. Housework is not important though, my mother was obsessed with it and started at eight every morning and finished at twelve. She got so angry if you made a mess though.

    1. When you put it like that, it sounds so straight forward, I don't know how I manage to get into such a rut!

  5. My cleaner retired a couple of months back and i have resolved to do it myself - 3 cats large dog large house - every day - it has never been cleaner and i have never been fitter - chemical free zone -so lots of elbow grease - funny thing i have never loved my home more - explain that one?? x

    1. it is so true, you get a feeling of calm and satisfaction when it is looking good, but also total panic at when it is a s**hole and it is all down to you to sort it out!

  6. I love that little pink list..... I clean Mondays and then a little refresh on Wednesday night before I go to work for my 2 days. I don't mind if...if I don't do it, I get those panic attacks and become a b***h. Hate ironing however, send the bedding out to the ironing shop.


I would love to hear from you and quite happy for some lively debate so feel free to say what you think! ....