Sunday 15 September 2013

Over 50 now....

 I did a few posts about the Spirit of Summer event that I exhibited at back in May.  Earlier this year I was contacted by a company running a show called Young at Heart which runs in October, if anyone is interested in tickets, you can currently get them free here, they are normally £10, so it is probably worth registering even if you aren't sure that you can make it.
The show its self looks very good with catwalk shows, health and beauty exhibitions, food, live entertainment and so (more information about the show here)

The whole process of taking a stand has been effortless and professional, but I think may be that I have one criticism of the clearly very young team who are organising the event. They seem to see over 50 as old, decrepit and, well, a bit past it, with the average lady's ultimate goal to have a partner who is still alive.

This just isn't how I see the over 50s, the fabulous Fabienne, below is 55 and I would say that most of the women that I know in their 50s, are closer to this than any of the imagery that the Young at Heart Show has chosen to reflect their event.  She is an interior designer, has a 12 year old son, loves fashion and goes clubbing.  I will never be as cool as her, but even so, I still aspire to this more than the Young at Heart images that are a little scary if this is all that is beckoning in the next few years.....

The ladies in their 50s now were probably the first generation to have worked a full career, avoided debt, bought property while it was cheap and ridden the growth, they are internet savvy and well travelled.  They have access to treatments, skincare and fitness programs that make them look a decade or more younger than they are.  It is probably the dream era in which to be 50 in that they can have more fun with more money than any previous or subsequent generations.
What is your take on what it is to be 50 now?


  1. I agree your photo of the lovely Fabienne is much more representative of 50 nowadays! x

    1. Fingers crossed this will be true, although looking at her chest muscles, she is working pretty damned hard at being this fabulous!!

    2. Oh believe you me being fab at fifty is exactly that - lots of work! Thats the only rub about getting older you get lots of advantages but bloody hell looking good really is that much harder ... x

    3. Well said, I am sick of hearing that it is all down to 'genes', past 40, it's about hard work and dedication!!

  2. Fabienne, just has to be a model, she is stunning.

    1. She works in Morocco and St Tropez designing dream villas. You know what St Tropez is like, everyone looks like that! The owner of Plaza Boutique chose her as her representative for her shop for a feature in PURE magazine. Typically French, they don't value 'youth' for youth's sake, rather some one who has real style.

  3. WOW - how gorgeous is she? I think you are as old as you feel!
    I also think we now how to live life and how to get more out of it. I remember my folks at 50 and they SEEMED and ACTED very 50!

    1. And since we are all going to live until about 120, 50 is the new 30 I guess!!

  4. As I almost there honey and also have a 12 year old, I couldn't agree with you more. No Saga holidays for me! x

    1. I might send this link to the 20 year olds running the show so that they can use broader imagery next time!

  5. Im also just over 50 but people put me more at mid thirty. I also don't feel any different to when I was mid thirties. In fact I would go so far as to say that I now feel much younger. My children are now in their twenties and its my time again. My husband and I go on date nights a lot and we now are able to put each other first and look forward to the rest of our lives. We are planning on building our own home once the kids leave. Im planning on starting my own business next year and am doing all the ground work for that now. I exercise more now to keep my muscles strong and my body toned. For me though it is also a case of good genes as my mother looks very young for her age.

  6. All of the 50 year olds that I know sound more like you than the silver haired ladies waiting for their bus passes assumed by the pics for the show. This has been really interesting and I shall be passing on everything to the show people to get them to have a rethink for next year!


I would love to hear from you and quite happy for some lively debate so feel free to say what you think! ....