Tuesday 17 September 2013

Mutant garlic...

Does anyone know anything about this garlic? I have never seen it before but I'm not much of a cook.  There are no cloves, it is just one giant ball of garlic.  Is it some genetically modified horror or a real vegetable that is a dream to use in the kitchen and tastes just like the regular stuff?


  1. I have never seen it. If it tastes the same, why not. Im a garlic, onion, olive oil addict, and can't imagine its medicinal properties could be too diminished. Sooo yummy and healthy.

  2. I'm not keen on the idea of GM, however my uncle informs me that this is a garlic bulb grown later in the season from a clove of garlic, so nothing to worry about afterall!

  3. I use a lot of garlic but don't know anything about this one, sorry love x

  4. I know less than nothing about growing any vegetables, I have meant to start trying for ages, but put off due to lack of knowledge, but I've ordered my willow borders, there is no going back now!


I would love to hear from you and quite happy for some lively debate so feel free to say what you think! ....