Sunday 29 September 2013

Zaggora hotpants

I posted before about these Zaggora hotpants.
The only criticism that I have of them is that they work so well that you soon need to go down a size.  I am not sure if XS has been newly added to the range as I don't remember seeing it before, but within about 4 weeks I went from the small being snug to needing to downsize.

The effect is immediate and only maintained by continuing to wear them, I gave my pair away to a friend as I wanted her to try them and I have noticed that by not wearing them daily, little pockets of fat are reappearing around the top of my thighs which is one of the areas that I put on weight first.

I was sent my pair free to try them so felt it only fair that they should be sampled by other people as they are genuinely effective, even though it goes against all of my ideals of exercise and healthy eating being the only way to get results.


  1. I must have missed your earlier post, sounds like I need to get me a pair!

    1. I'm really skeptical about this kind of thing, all of my instincts say that they shouldn't work. And yet here I am slightly regretting that I gave them away!!

  2. I missed it too, if they work for bellies, I'm in.

    1. They have tops too, I want to think it is just the sweating that acts like those bandage style wraps, in reality I guess it is like having one of those for 1 hour every day and they do work in the short term, but you need to keep going with it.

  3. Replies
    1. Do Zaggora sell in the States yet? They do work, but the minute you stop the effect stops.


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